About COVID/Coronavirus

Novel Coronavirus is new, it does not have a cure, and it does not (yet) have a vaccine. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevent have a very good FAQ web page.

Respuestas a las preguntas más frecuentes


World Health Organization: Coronavirus and COVID-19

Coronavirus COVID - 19 ¿Qué es? Síntomas y Prevención

COVID-19 is spreading in King County. But together, we can slow it down, saving lives. Everyone, young and old, should stay home and avoid all non-essential contact. When you must go out, limit your trips and stay six feet apart from others. Our individual actions affect the health of our entire community. And what we do as a community protects us all. Stay home and slow the spread. Visit kingcounty.gov/covid to learn more. by Dr. Jeff Duchin, Chief Health Officer, Public Health - Seattle & King County

留在家裡,保持健康 - Cantonese

保護您自己,朋友,家人和社區免受COVID-19(以前稱為“新型冠狀病毒”)的侵擾,請遵循以下公共衛生建議 by Zihing Hu, King County Dept. of Community and Human Services

留在家裡,保持健康 - Mandarin

保護您自己,朋友,家人和社區免受COVID-19(以前稱為“新型冠狀病毒”)的侵擾,請遵循以下公共衛生建議 by Zihing Hu, King County Dept. of Community and Human Services

Quédate en Casa, Mantente Sano - Spanish

Protéjase usted, a sus amigos, a su familia y a la comunidad del COVID-19 (anteriormente conocido como el “nuevo coronavirus"), siga estas recomendaciones por parte de Salud Pública. Mensaje para los residentes del condado de King: Juntos podemos frenar la propagación del COVID-19. by Antonio Herrera Garza, King County Dept. of Community and Human Services