The Board of Directors of Lake Washington School District welcomes the public to the business meetings of the Board and encourages community engagement. The Board dedicates 30 minutes at these meetings to hear from the public during a public comment period.
This meeting will be held in person meeting at the LWSD L.E. Scarr Resource Center in Redmond, WA, located at 16250 NE 74th Street, Redmond Town Center.
Board meetings will be live-streamed on the LWSD website.
Community members who wish to make a public comment may sign-up to do so by noon on the day of the meeting. Comments will be offered in the order of sign-up beginning with speakers and concluding with written comments. Due to time constraints, it is possible not all comments will be heard. Use this link to sign up to speak.
Board Meetings are shown on channel 26 locally or streamed on the district site.
**You are always welcome to email any individual Board member or the entire Board at any time outside of public comment at (