Capacity Support

Organizations led by Black, Indigenous, and other people of color are critical drivers of racial equity and social justice in our community.


Eastside For All provides capacity support to organizations and grassroot groups  founded in East King County that are led by Black, Indigenous, and other people of color to serve the same communities they represent. We also prioritize organizations and groups that are founded/based in East King County and whose work involves: (1) *culturally- and community-centered services, programs, and events; (2) leadership and expertise in areas such as affordable housing, mental health services, economic development, transportation, education equity, immigrant and refugee justice, and other areas.

*Long before the COVID pandemic, community based groups have met the health and social service needs of our growing multicultural, multiracial populations. Our region needs to attract and support new BIPOC-led organizations that can provide culturally specific mental health services and fill gaps in other service needs. Their leadership and expertise needs to be lifted up to drive positive change in social and health services.


  • Individual meetings to answer questions, address challenges, and brainstorm solutions
  • Peer support offered in meetings with other community based organizations who are working together on programs and advocacy efforts
  • Information and resources for grant opportunities
  • Review/feedback on grant applications
  • Invitations to participate in work being done to identify affordable office/community space and address inequities in Eastside cities’ funding
  • Assistance in telling your story and sharing your unique contributions to the community (for use in grant applications, social media, etc.)

2022 Capacity Support Funds

Eastside For All launched its first round of Capacity Support Funding this year. We had 16 Eastside based organizations/community groups apply for the funds and we were able to fund 5 of them listed below with $4,000 each to support any capacity building expense needed except for direct services.

Recipients had to have a 501(c)(3) or be fiscally sponsored by a 501(c)(3) organization. Priority was given to Eastside based organizations/groups that predominantly serve communities of color (Black, Indigenous, Latino/e, Native Hawaiian, Native Alaskan, East Asian, South Asian, Southeast Asian, Pacific Islander) and/or immigrant communities, and who are led and staffed by people who share the same identities as those served.  Additionally, priority will be given to organizations who have little/no budget for capacity building needs and with total income/revenue under $1,000,000.

Together, the community based organizations selected support neighbors from a wide range of backgrounds and identities: Black/African American; East, West, and North African; Latino/e; Asian American; South Asian; Brazilian; Afghani; Ukrainian; Iraqi; Syrian; Russian; Middle Eastern; youth, families; immigrants and refugees; unhoused; low-income.

We’re grateful for the ways these organizations make our community stronger.

Africans on the Eastside

Brazilian Community Services

The Emotional Abuse Discussion

Immigrant Women’s Community Center




If you would like to get help with your nonprofit efforts in East King County, please contact Debbie Lacy: email | 425-209-0895