Voting and Representation

Who can vote?

If you are eligible to vote but not yet registered in WA State, see the links to the right >>>>


Are you 16 or 17 years of age? Sign up to be a #FutureVoter and be ready to vote when you’re 18!

Disenfranchisement of communities of color persists, and here in East King County, we lack representation among our elected bodies, commissions, and boards. We can change that! Eastside For All joins with community partners to host candidate forums, advocate for voter rights, and increase opportunities for people of color to take part in decision-making. We’re building pathways to leadership for our community members. You can learn more at our Advocacy Hub which includes a calendar with upcoming candidate forums, City Council meetings, School Board meetings, information on local commissions and boards, and email addresses for local elected officials. 

We support voter education, naturalization access, and civic leadership opportunities available to all, regardless of ability to vote. (Did you know you can serve on commissions and boards even if you’re not a U.S. citizen?)

Register to vote in WA with or without a traditional address

Registro de votantes para personas sin domicilio tradicional

Future Voter Program for 16- and 17-year-olds

Past Felony Conviction? You can vote!