Get Involved
A Stronger, Safer East King County Lies Directly Ahead of Us - With Your Help
We're grateful for your interest in getting involved with Eastside For All. It's because of passionate advocates like you that we can be better. There's a role for you here no matter your skill level or experience.

Ways To Get Involved
Your generous investment helps us build a better, stronger Eastside for all.
Gather an interested group for a small event and help us spread the word.
Meet people like you who want to be part of the movement.
Sign up for our newsletter, and stay up-to-date with all our advocacy efforts.
Join our core efforts to organize and mobilize for change in East King County.

Want to help? Thank you so much! Eastside For All is a community effort and it takes all of us to be the change. We welcome your passion and skills.
Helpers are needed for the following:

Share your leadership skills and ideas on our governing team; provide oversight, strategic planning, and guidance for Eastside For All.

Track race and social justice advocacy issues, share information with your networks, and respond to calls to action.

Help spread the word about our events by extending personal invitations to family, friends, and co-workers.

Greet guests and help create gracious space at our events.

Accessibility isn’t the end goal. Belonging is.
This notion of giving voice to the voiceless – that’s, to me, very flawed. They’ve always been talking. No one’s been listening.
Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.
If you have come to help me you are wasting your time. But if you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together.
We will prevail because we have proven to the world and to ourselves that we are not ‘fringe elements’ or ‘special interest groups’ or so called ‘minorities’. Without us there is no legitimate majority. We are the mainstream.
If you give me a fish, you have fed me for a day.
If you teach me to fish, you have fed me until the river is contaminated or the shoreline seized for development.
But if you teach me to organize, then whatever the challenge, I can join together with my peers and we will fashion our own solution.
Our calling is not to cross boundaries, defy restrictions or escape compartments. It is to embrace a universe that does not admit their existence.
Power comes from below / from the hidden places where it gathers / until, discovering itself, it blazes into view, lighting the sky and reshaping the landscape / sweeping away barriers it seems would stand forever.
True peace is not merely the absence of tension: it is the presence of justice.
I am no longer accepting the things I cannot change. I am changing the things I cannot accept.
Every moment is an organizing opportunity, every person a potential activist, every minute a chance to change the world.